The Real Estate Market Today

The Real Estate Market Today

I have had my Real Estate License now for over 2 years.  But we have been buying and selling Real Estate for ourselves for over 40 years.  I have never seen a crazier time than the last 2 years.  Most of our purchases and sales have been properties we have flipped. ...
Getting to Financial Independence

Getting to Financial Independence

My students will tell you that my mantra in life is to “Think simple”. It was something one of my college professors always said, with a heavy French Canadian accent.  He was one of the best teachers I ever had, and was an inspiration for me as a teacher. I have come...
Bad Grandpa??

Bad Grandpa??

I am a very bad grandpa. I admit it. I am also a fair bit of a Scrooge. Throw in Covid and you have the perfect storm.  For the last several years I have tried to instill some financial sanity into the Christmas season.  I have promoted a “small gift” for the kids,...
Real Estate. Some comments

Real Estate. Some comments

I’ve been asked why there have been no new postings. You would think that with Covid there would be nothing but time to write.  Writing takes more than time. It also needs inspiration. Real Estate has kept me busy, and I have been spending more time monitoring (Buying...
Do I have to work till I die??

Do I have to work till I die??

I really got interested in finances when I was about 45 years old.  I realized that there were not that many “Earning years” ahead of me.  So, I looked at my financial situation with a view to retiring.  It was not a pretty site.  $50,000.00 in your RRSP is just not...