What should I look for in a stock that should go up?

What should I look for in a stock that should go up?

This is a question that I get asked a lot.  It is a very important question, and unfortunately, a very hard question to give a simple answer to.  That is because there are so many variables.  Questions like; What is your time frame? Days? Weeks? Years?  How much...
Real Estate Closing Costs

Real Estate Closing Costs

Many people think that if they have saved up $20,000.00 as a down payment to buy a house, that is all they need.  The down payment is only one of the COSTS of buying a new home. If you are a first-time buyer or first time real estate investor, you need to be aware of...
Choosing an Online Trading Platform

Choosing an Online Trading Platform

Your “Online Trading Account” is not you doing an actual Trade (buy or sell a stock) by yourself.  Actual trades must be done by a “Broker”.  Your online trading account is a direct link to your broker’s system.  Before computers, you...
The dynamics of making an Offer

The dynamics of making an Offer

The most stressful part of any real estate deal is the setting of the starting offer price.  This is THE crucial decision.   From here on out, everything depends on this decision.  The price has a direct effect on how the negotiations are handled.  Most Real Estate...
The Property Buying Process

The Property Buying Process

Buying Real Estate looks easy on Television.  But we all know that TV isn’t real.  There is actually more to it.  Or there is if you do it right.  It is really easy to call an Agent get in the car and start looking at houses.  That for me is the fun part. ...
Basics of Micro Investing.

Basics of Micro Investing.

I am a Micro Investor.  I have found that is a bold statement to make in the company of other non Micro Investors.  The terms, idiot, fool, stupid, get heard a lot after making that statement.  I will admit that the way I started Micro Investing was not ideal.  If not...