by admin | Sep 1, 2017 | Investing
I am a Micro Investor. I have found that is a bold statement to make in the company of other non Micro Investors. The terms, idiot, fool, stupid, get heard a lot after making that statement. I will admit that the way I started Micro Investing was not ideal. If not...
by admin | Aug 30, 2017 | Investing
There are really only 2 ways to make money on a stock. The first one is the most common, you buy the stock at $1.00 and it goes up to $2.00. This is called Capital Appreciation, or Fantastic! This is what every investor hopes happens with every stock. And it does,...
by admin | Aug 27, 2017 | Investing
Before you ever try and actually invest real money in stocks, I would STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you practice researching, tracking, and picking stocks for at least 6 months to a year, without actually buying any stocks. Most Online trading accounts have a way for you...
by admin | Aug 27, 2017 | Investing
The secret to making money in the Stock Market is very simple. It is the same philosophy that has been used for thousands of years in trading and sales. BUY LOW, SELL HIGH. As I said the theory is very simple. When viewing a “HISTORICAL” chart, the...
by admin | Aug 27, 2017 | Investing
There are three main ways to make money on a Stock. They are; 1) The price of the stock goes up, and we get a Capital Gain on the value of the stock; 2) The stock pays a dividend, monthly, quarterly, or yearly, so we make income on a regular basis independent of the...
by admin | Aug 27, 2017 | Investing
Saving is as necessary to Wealth Accumulation, as rain is to growing flowers. But Saving is not enough!! Once you start saving some money, you need to get that money working as hard for You, as you do for it. This area is about investing in Mutual Funds, GICs,...