There is life after disaster

There is life after disaster

The picture says it all.  This is financial Disaster. This is the ultimate failure.  That was the premise that I was raised under.  Only “THOSE KINDS OF PEOPLE” allowed this to happen. According to Bankruptcy Canada there are 5 main causes of financial...
Changing Perspectives

Changing Perspectives

We were visiting one of our friends yesterday after our exam.  I played chauffeur for the ladies.  Our friend is one of the best bargain hunters I know.  In our family, when you get a smokin’ hot deal we call it an “Auntie Jane” deal in her honour.  Our first stop was...
Its Canadian RRSP season.  Know what your getting into.

Its Canadian RRSP season. Know what your getting into.

February is the start of so called Registered Retirement, Savings Plan season.  Every type of investment house is running adds about contributing to your RRSP.  (Note most Credit Unions have access to Mutual Funds, but are not allowed to advertise that fact.)  But...
Budget versus Cash Flow Plan. (CFP)

Budget versus Cash Flow Plan. (CFP)

Over the last couple of weeks I have been getting a lot of questions about Budgeting, so here goes.  The questions usually sound like this.  “I need to get control of my money so I better figure out this Budget stuff.”  The word “Budget” simply...
Stop Using Debt to Finance Your Lifestyle

Stop Using Debt to Finance Your Lifestyle

It took some time to get into DEBT and it will take time to get out of DEBT. There is a very simple way to do it. This method has several advantage and works very well with a budget or Cash flow Plan (CFP). The beauty of this system is that it will not increase your...