Notes on Dividend Paying Stocks

Notes on Dividend Paying Stocks

Over the last couple of weeks, several people have talked to me about dividend-paying stocks. Even my daughter, who doesn’t do any stock investing.  She saw a couple of reels on Instagram about this topic.  She sent me a text saying I should be investing in...
Bad Grandpa??

Bad Grandpa??

I am a very bad grandpa. I admit it. I am also a fair bit of a Scrooge. Throw in Covid and you have the perfect storm.  For the last several years I have tried to instill some financial sanity into the Christmas season.  I have promoted a “small gift” for the kids,...
My Crystal Ball

My Crystal Ball

Sorry it has been so long since my last post.  Staying at home should have meant more time to do posts.  But I hit a dry period in my creativity.  I have been getting asked a lot lately about Real Estate Investing and investing in general.  Seems more people are...
Results and New Picks (April 30)

Results and New Picks (April 30)

It is always nice to start off on a good footing.  I have only posted the results for one Pick from the “Bottom Feeders” stock scan.  That was Chesswood Group (CHW).  It started at $3.86 and a week later was up to $4.94. It looks to open today at $6.22....
Chesswood stock result

Chesswood stock result

The data is in.  The stock Scan, “Bottom Feeders” picked CHW Chesswood Groupe to go up.  I thought it would only stay flat.  Guess I should believe the scan more.  Chesswood went UP quite impressively.  By about 28%. April 21 2020 Symbol Name Close Cost...