Results and New Picks (April 30)

Results and New Picks (April 30)

It is always nice to start off on a good footing.  I have only posted the results for one Pick from the “Bottom Feeders” stock scan.  That was Chesswood Group (CHW).  It started at $3.86 and a week later was up to $4.94. It looks to open today at $6.22....
Chesswood stock result

Chesswood stock result

The data is in.  The stock Scan, “Bottom Feeders” picked CHW Chesswood Groupe to go up.  I thought it would only stay flat.  Guess I should believe the scan more.  Chesswood went UP quite impressively.  By about 28%. April 21 2020 Symbol Name Close Cost...
First stock pick.

First stock pick.

I have been writing and evaluating a bunch of stock screening routines. There are lots of sites out there that will tell you to buy a stock because it has gone up 200%.  That might be a great suggestion, but I would like to know about that stock BEFORE it goes up...
Basics of using Stock Charts

Basics of using Stock Charts

The question has come up quite frequently in the last little while about, should you use Technical Analysis (Stock Charts), and if you should, how do you read the charts.  I went the first few years not using any technical analysis at all.  In my opinion it was one of...