Results and New Picks (April 30)

Results and New Picks (April 30)

It is always nice to start off on a good footing.  I have only posted the results for one Pick from the “Bottom Feeders” stock scan.  That was Chesswood Group (CHW).  It started at $3.86 and a week later was up to $4.94. It looks to open today at $6.22....
Chesswood stock result

Chesswood stock result

The data is in.  The stock Scan, “Bottom Feeders” picked CHW Chesswood Groupe to go up.  I thought it would only stay flat.  Guess I should believe the scan more.  Chesswood went UP quite impressively.  By about 28%. April 21 2020 Symbol Name Close Cost...
Bottom Feeder April 23 24

Bottom Feeder April 23 24

Even though today’s post is for 2 days we only had one suggestion.  That happens regularly.  If nothing matches the criteria then there are no results.  Getting 50 results a day is a sign that the criteria are just not specific enough.  Remember I am trying to...
Bottom Feeder Pick Thursday April 23

Bottom Feeder Pick Thursday April 23

Wow this is the third day in a row that I have posted something.  This is Bottom Feeders picks for today.  The indicators that are the search criteria turned up these 4 Canadian stocks.  I was surprised that all of them are in the Energy (OIL/GAS) sector.  With the...
New Bottom Feeder Pick April 22

New Bottom Feeder Pick April 22

In yesterdays post I explained that I have been testing some stock screening programs.  I have one that is not bad called Bottom Feeders.  The idea is to find stocks that are ready to go up.  Once they are up, it is too late to buy.  I figure it is more helpful to...